I say calm yourself.
When i find that America has the 36th best health care in the world, I am angered. When I find that places such as Isreal, Chile, Monaco, and Oman have way better health care than us. I'm outraged! OMAN!!! Do you even know where the heck that is? NO! Are they a world power? NO! But they sure seem to have enough money to take care of their people better.
So I want to storm the White House. For an american to be kicked out on the street because they can't foot the thousand dollar bill to save their life...that is ridiculous. Whatever happened to careing for the sick.
"Give me your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."
That's what the Statue of Liberty says.... In truth it should have "If they got the money" Onto it. I take great pride in America, but when i hear stories of people having to choose what finger they can afford to fix, tears come to my eyes.
Universal Health Care, people don't want to play for other's people problems. Well I thought this was America. Where we come together as a nation. Where we look out for one another. If you were hurt, i'd take care of you. In turn if i was hurt you would take care of me. That's the way America should be. Looking out for one another. Pulling together...
Maybe next year we'll bbeat them darn Oman's.
My stance is that the health care system will get less money. Ending up with less facilities and less qualified health care workers. That's why Canadians that have money come here for health care.
Noah, My friend,
Do you believe that it is a practical assumption to expect, and depend on Americans to provide a country in which [I quote]
"we come together as a nation. Where we look out for one another. If you were hurt, i'd take care of you. In turn if i was hurt you would take care of me. That's the way America should be. Looking out for one another. Pulling together..."
Do you believe this to be a rational solution to the problem of people hurting because of an inability to afford health care. Or is this an Honorable, Respectable, Idealistic solution?
Asking purely out of curiosity.
Well ted, i think it's an honorable respectable idealistic solution that i want to be the rational solution. Basically i want it perfect :P won't happen but i can dream.
Its a very good dream at that.
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